Yoga classes in
the Stroud Valleys

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A holistic experience of mind, body and spirit. Expect flow and mindful movement. My classes are both dynamic and rhythmical, always drawing on spiritual contexts that delve deep into the self through pranayama, meditation, asana and relaxation.

“In the still mind, in the depths of meditation, the self reveals itself”

― Bhagavad Gita

Yoga classes in the Stroud area

I offer a mixture of classes in and around the Stroud area, as well as one weekly zoom.


About me

I took my first yoga class in 1998 whilst studying photography. I found the most beautiful, wise soulful teacher named Irene who opened the door of yoga for me as a deep spiritual practice. To this day, I consider her my heart teacher. She was humble, kind and wise.

I became a dedicated student and my path led me to Iyengar teachers - for which I am forever grateful. I found discipline and precision but over time I grew tired of the rigidity of the practice and another door opened to the world of Vinyasa Krama.


Writings, ideas and photographs

Yoga at the Rococo Gardens for the Autumn Equinox

I’m lucky enough to live in the Cotswolds and to me its THE most beautiful countryside in England, its insanely beautiful. On my door stop is a place called the Rococo Gardens nestled amongst this next level countryside. Rococo Garden was fantastical in both its character and inspiration. Squeezed into a valley, with deceptive vistas…

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Silence into September

I find the transition from August to September really hard, always have. My birthday is at the end of August – I love the abundance and beauty and ‘being’ of summer. The change of light, shortening of the days, less veggies in the patch and a shift back to ‘doing’ has always been hard for…

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2 might just be my favourite age..

Avalon, summer 2022

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The theme of this months class was born out of having a 5 hour visit to A&E with 3 children. One with suspected appendicitis and the other two in throws of chicken pox. Having spent the last few weeks having little sleep , in what felt like an explosion of childhood illnesses along with the…

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Happy Solstice, Sunrise harp in the Stroud valleys

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“Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim.
The better your practice, the brighter your flame.”

B.K.S Iyengar
